Die Schönheit des Lebens [The Beauty of Life]

By Dr Antje Bothin

Du wurdest geboren
Perfekt wie alle
Du spieltest das Spiel
Des Lebens, gabst dein Bestes

Du spürtest und erlebtest
Die Welt
Du hattest Höhen und Tiefen
Und du kamst weiter

Du starbst
Warst fort wie alle
Aber du überlebtest
In den Köpfen der Menschen

Deine Poesie ist so
Und erzählt ihre Geschichte
Für kommende Generationen

You were born
Perfect as everyone
You played the game
Of life, best you could

You felt and experienced
The world
You had ups and downs
And you moved on

You died
Were gone like everyone
But you survived
In  people’s minds

Your poetry is so
And tells its story
For generations to come

Inspiration behind the poem:

His diability, his early death and the fate of his dog inspired me to write these verses.

Dr Antje Bothin is a German-born poet who lives in Scotland. She loves writing poetry and her motivational poems about nature and positive mental health and wellbeing have been published in several international anthologies, poetry magazines, journals and e-zines. She has authored a lovely poetry book called 'Quiet: A Poem about Selective Mutism' and an inspirational novel about a treasure hunt in Iceland featuring a young adult character with Selective Mutism called 'Annika and the Treasure of Iceland'. When not being creative, she can be found doing voluntary work in the community or drinking tea.


Byronic Voyage


De Mortuis