Vliegervrij [Free like a kite] [Liberté d'un cerf-volant]

By Rebecca Bayer


Ik wou dat ik,
een vlieger was

Zodat je me,
in de lucht zag

Vrijheid om te,
gaan waar ik wou

Maar dan toch vast,
aan jouw kruisstuk

in mijn vrijheid

I wish I was
a flying kite

That you could see
me in the air

Freedom to go
where I would like

But attached
to your crosspiece

Wire connected
to my freedom

J'espère que
j'étais un cerf-volant

Je me suis trouvé
vu dans les airs

Liberté de,
aller où je veux

Mais toujours à ta,
coeur de traversée

Connexions filaires,
dans ma vraie vie

Inspiration behind the poem:

The inspiration behind this short poem comes from finding a balance between nature, loneliness and love. Like Lord Byron, even though I do not know him well enough, I am always in awe by these three big things.

Rebecca Bayer is a 26 year old Dutch woman living in the heart of Europe. Besides her job in finance she finds comfort in nature and travelling.


Ada Lovelace


The Spare Rib From Romeo